Derived from wild Alaskan Salmon, this nutrient-rich 100-percent pure salmon oil provides essential building blocks dogs need for a healthy heart and strong immune system. In addition, it helps relieve dry itchy skin, reduces shedding, makes fur soft and velvety, and helps keep the heart, eyes, and joints healthy.
The all-natural supplement contains over 15 beneficial Omega 3, Omega 6, and Arachidonic fatty acids, plus a fresh fish flavor. To use, pump the salmon oil onto the dog's food directly from the convenient pump bottle dispenser. A handy weight chart on the label displays the correct amounts to use.
Key Benefits:
- Grizzly Salmon Oil supplies a daily supplement rich in EPA and DHA the right Omega-3 fatty acids. Your pet's metabolism uses these nutrients immediately without any prior conversion. Plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in flax seed, must be converted by your dog's or cat's body prior to use an inefficient process that may result in as little as 5 % - 15 % of the fatty acids being actually metabolized.
- Human-Grade Source = Sustainable Solution: Grizzly Salmon Oil is a sustainable Omega-3 solution: no fish is caught for the purpose of making oil. Instead, our Omega-3 oils are a co-product of the production of high-quality seafood products for humans. This enables more of the fish to be utilized in a better way for the benefit of our pets.